2009年6月17日 星期三

Session 4: Assignment One Question

Find one example of Internet marketing that you think is particularly effective and one example that is ineffective. Explain your reasons, for example, you can describe how well the effective example takes advantage of the Internet's properties (e.g. interactivity, personalization, greater hold on user's interest). For the ineffective ad, you may describe how you can improve on it.

Internet marketing is a two-way communication with pull marketing that company can received some information from customers.

In my searching, I think the web-site of SaSa.com is very effective. It is so convenience for customers to buy products in the internet with their own ID. In the web-site, all of the products have been classified and show the information including price, discription. That's why SaSa can promote their product and increase their sales. Also, this web-site is target to worldwide customers with providing different language and different dollars trading. Of course, this service is according to each customer personally.

Moreover, it is the pull marketing since the customer contact the company actively snd the customer ofthen seeks information on a web-site and "pulls" the marketing message towards them. If customers have any complaint/ idea/ opinion/ question, they can post it on the web-site. Staffs of SaSa will answer as soon as possible. If you are member of SaSa, they will send you e-mail regularly to keep the long-term relationship. it also is one to one communication. SaSa can count the result by ID login or any internet click. Therefore, it's internet marketing is very effectivly.

KCP shps' web-site is a sample of ineffective internet marketing. Since in this web-site just a push marketing to post the information to the customers. It is so traditional with one-way communication. It just show you every shop in KCP and some promotion event. KCP can't get any useful result in the internet. KCP will not send any information to each customer, but target to everyone. I think KCP can have a co-operation with renter to make the membership and send to coupon or any discount/promotion. This not only can attract more customer to shopping but also can attract more investment to rent the shop in KCP to increase the income.


1 則留言:

  1. Another good example of Internet marketing from SaSa is that they allow customers to rate and review items. Customers can also share information about SaSa items thru social bookmarking, their Facebook profile, thru e-mail and so on. The web site design is also cleaner and more professional-looking.

    For the Kowloon City mall web site, I also suggest they build an English version of the site.
